Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Watching Birdies Wednesday

This is me on my pedestal. all kitties should be put on a pedestal. i can watch birdies and squirrels from my pedestal and catch a breeze cause there is a big screen on the bottom of my window. oh look! i think that's a jeter bird out there. he's calling ...jeter...jeter, jeter, jeter...


Daisy said...

That is a great pedestal. And you look like you belong on a pedestal at all times! Say hello to the jeterbird for me.

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Ohhhh you are so cute sitting there keeping watch over the hood.

Mr. Hendrix said...

oooo great pedestal, mine looks a lot like that. You keep an eye on those birds. Hey, is the jeter bird laffin?

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Watching birdies is THE BEST! We don't have a pedestal though. We'll have to ask mommy for one. Happy jeter watching.
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Anonymous said...

I have a pedestal in that colour too!
And it is just placed like yours in front of the window so that I can watch all the funnie creatures in my garden.
We are very happy cats!

Bogdan, the editor said...

I need a pedestal like that, and it's the perfect height for squirrel watching! If only, there were squirrels here .... OH, Sacto squirrels, I dream of yous, all of yous, in my belly.

The Furry Kids said...

That's a great pedestal. Plus, it has that circle-y thing at the bottom that you can hide in and then jump out and put the bitey on someone. heh heh

Earl Grey

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Dat must be da Titmouse birdie yoo hear. We loves yur pedestal. It's purrfect for yoo.