The Original Pussycat Doll
Really, there is a real Temptation Day!! I need to get my humans on top of things!Latte
Did someone say Tem-tay-shuns?!?!?!
who could resist that look? precious!Tara
Honey....I just put some in my TEA and thought of you my furrrry furrrrrend:))Luf Peach >(^,^)<
Oh, man. I gotta get my hands on some of those temp-tay-shuns!
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Really, there is a real Temptation Day!! I need to get my humans on top of things!
Did someone say Tem-tay-shuns?!?!?!
who could resist that look? precious!
Honey....I just put some in my TEA and thought of you my furrrry furrrrrend:))
Luf Peach >(^,^)<
Oh, man. I gotta get my hands on some of those temp-tay-shuns!
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