Sunday, April 26, 2015

Easy like Sunday

had a couple of barfies but mommie thinks it's frum her feeding me all kinds of noo fuds that i do not really like.  I wint fur a checkup at my regular vet last week and i haz lost 2 pound since October, thatz ofur 18 purrcent of my original body wate.  Dey stole mi bluds and sed der is nofing rong wif me.


Marg said...

Hi there Honey Sunshine. Glad your bloods are all right. That does look like a nice Easy Sunday. Take care.

Summer at said...

I hope your human finds food that doesn't make you nauseous and sticks with it, Honey!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad your blood results are good Honey.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

honey...good blood ree sults are grate.....N tell yur mom ya knead sum trout.....hope thiz weekz an awesum one for ewe ♥♥

Donna said...

Sending u many hugs. :)


Angel Keisha and Murphy the Poodle

World of Animals, Inc said...

Such a great way to relax and have a great nap. Looks very comfy. Thanks for sharing. Hope mom finds some delicious food that you like. Have a great day.
World of Animals