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Easy like Sunday
well, it haz bin a chaotic and tumultuous 10 daze fur mommie. We wanted to give yoo a report on Trixie Marmalade. Mommie's furrend Susan has taken in the love bug (above). Susan lives in our condo complex so mommie can see Trixie all da time. Susan made Trixie a honey badger lair on her sofa with Trixie's toys, blankets and her cat quilt above her. Trixie iz doin gud. she has a new sisfur below, dat's Serafina. and there are floor to ceiling windows at Susan's wif ducks to look at and efurryting. Mommie efun brot Paulina into the mix to make sure effurywun was happy and doin gud. I hafs da big jobbie ov takin care of mommie, i told Paulina dat i wood. Trixie told Paulina dat she loves mommie fur taken care of her and dat she likes da "sweet laydee" (susan).
Trixie's daddie loved Simon's Cat. And Daisy, he loved yer Fashion Friday, dis is da last wun mommie sent to him, Daisy.
Honey's mum, we're so sorry for you loss. We're so happy to hear that little Trixie is in such a good place with people looking after her so well.
We are so happy that things are working out, and peacefully, too!
I am so glad that Trixie has a new Forever home and she is settling in so well. I feel so sad for her losing her daddie. It touched my heart to hear that he enjoyed my Fashion Fridays.
Oh, how sweet that Trixie has a new home to help her through her loss and your mom's loss too. It will be a great comfort to your mom to visit her when she wants.
We are so glad that Trixie is in a great new home,
Thx for your comforting comment. The 'rents are very sad.
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