its dis wun: http://petsbestproducts.com/stonecoatcontemporary.htm
on day 4 mommie paid mary and she came ofur and cleaned all da windows and steam cleaned the tile in da kitchen and da bafroom and da tile floors. it was kinda scairty, i was hidin under da bed when mommie gotted home today.
Your new pedestal is ACE! And your Mom is great to help out a friend...we've gotta stick together.
Dat's what we call major spring cleanin! We been lookin an lookin for a nice noo pedestal too. Dat one yoo gots looks like a purrfect fing fur us. Yoo looks like yoo are luvvin it cu yoo all happy lookin speshully after yoo cleaned all dem toys owt of it. Heh heh.
...you has pink pingie balls?! MOMMEHHHHH!!!!
We need Mary to come and visit us!!!
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