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Here'z da Noos
Comin down frum my petdestal to gibs yoo a noos update. it mite sno here dis week. dats rite, sack-o-tomatoes mite git colds enuf to sno by da weekend. we will haf to wate and see. Friday nite arounds midnite, mommie got attacked by her gulb ladder, did not no she had a gulb ladder but it wuz a bad hurtie and she left me in da middle ov da nite to go to the merjensy room. i guess dat iz were yoo go when yoo git attacked by yor gulb ladder. mommie came bak home about a short sleep later(mommie: i was gone 5 hours). i did not like mommie leaving in da middle ov da nite so i had a big happee when she came home and we had a big sleep after dat, sept mommie seemed a widdle goofy in da hed if yoo no wat i mean(mommie: they gave me morphine).so efurry thing iz kinda nermal rite now. mommie has to git pictures of her gulb ladder next week but the hurtie iz gone fur now. if it comes bak i will scare it away so it will not attack my mommie agin.
Saturday mornin noos update: well we did not gits any snow. it gots cold enuf but den we had no parsnip......purrsip........yoo no, da wet stuff...
Oh your poor mum! We hope her gulb ladder is feeling much better and that it doesn't hurt her again!
Wow, the gulb ladder seems a little bit mean to hurt your mommie! I hope she is all better soon.
Snow sounds a little bit fun!
We don't know what a gulb ladder is, but it sounds very vishus. We hope your mommy is feeling better now.
Silly us, we sussed out what a gulb ladder is now. It must have been very painful for your mom.
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