Whisper brought mommie and me a bird he cot. He putted it under da stairs where he naps and wates fur my mommie to come home frum da werkies. he brot it to say fank yoo fur da fuds dat we give him cuz his mommie is nefur home to feeds him.
Mommie did not take a picture of da birdie cause is had bluds on it cuz whisper nibbled on it a little befur he gave it to mommie. is was a chubby bird.
Fank yoo whisper fur finking ov us. we fink yoo are reel sweet efun fur a boy cat dat always has peeces of bushes hangin off ov yer furs.
Thay was very thoughtful of Whisper.
What a nice way for Whisper to show he cares!
What a sweet thing for Whisper to do for you...
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