last nite mommie and me played be-ooty shop. mommie gave herself a pawdicure and i gotted a comb out. mommie got lots of ded furs off of me, it felt gud. later mommie wanted to do give me a pawdicure too but i did not want to do dat, so mommie trimmed wun of my toenails and den we were dun playin be-ooty shop.
Yup, Pawdicures are NOT a fun part of the be-ooty shop game!
I used to not mind getting my clawrs clipped, but now I hate it. If she gives me a little pile of treats to eat, I usually don't mind it as much.
Mum says we both need a good comb out.
i have never letted my toenails get cut. not ONCE. i do not blame you for making Be-Ooty shop be over when she tried that one.
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