Thursday, July 16, 2009

we are haffing anudder case ov da hots here. mommie raises the window blinds so da i can werk on my furtan while she is at da werkie. mommie is back at da werkie fur 3 weeks and den she has 2 weeks off, i can not wait. today there is a fire 15 miles up the road frum mommies werk in the american river canyon. we hope it gets put out soon.

we are still laffin bout daisy the curly cat's remark on jeter's blog about her hangy-belly and how
her squishy belly sits on top ov her back feet when she is sitting just like a penguin. MOL!!

mommie tolded me tonite dat she has luffed me fur 7 and a half yeers now, she gotted me when i was 6 months old just after i gotted my lady gardenectomy, and i am ate yeers old now. i tolded mommie i luffed her fur 7 and a half yeers too.


Reese =^..^= said...

Seven and a half years? That is great. Congratulations.

The Creek Cats said...

Happy ate years old, Honey!!!

Stop by our blog we are having a giveaway!

The Furry Kids said...

Awww! Honey P, we are not having the hots here. Mama says she will trade with you guys any time. ;)


mister jeter harris, hizself said...

hey honey p ...
i jus wanna tell u dat ...
yer byootiful!

Daisy said...

That's a whole lotta lovin'!

ps: Do you think wearing a girdle would help my hangy belly?

Anonymous said...

It is berry good to be ♥'d isn't it? Just da best and the best feelin' in the whole, wide world.