Monday, June 29, 2009

fank yoo brad pitt

so yesterday it got to 108 degress outside so mommie decided to stay in and we watched a movie. we watched the curious case of benjamin button. let me tell yoo furrends, if yoo want yer mommie to sit still for a long time, dis is da movie do haf yer mommie watch cuz IT WAS 3 HOURS LONG!!. so mommie sitted still fur 3 HOURS, well ok, she got up to go to the catbox twice. so fur 3 hours, i gotted up on mommie and i napped, den i went to the top of the sofa on my blankie, den i gotted back on mommie and she combed me, den i went an ated some crunchies and gotted a drink of water, den ::poot:: i gotted back on mommie and she furminated me, ok, i letted wun slip out dere. den back to the blankie, i was up i was down, i was combed again, FOR 3 HOURS!!! fank yoo brad pitt!!


The Furry Kids said...

I'm glad you gotted lots of cuddle time with your mom. Mama's friend loaned her that movie but she didn't watch it yet because it was so long. Maybe we can convince her to watch it tonight...


Daisy said...

Honey P, you're such a little silly! Even a ladycat has to poot occasionally. I'm glad you got some good mom-time.

Anonymous said...

We are sure dat Miss Angelina Jolie' sayz da same thing ebby now an' then☺

Jans Funny Farm said...

3 hours of attention. You really had a good day!

Parker said...

Wow - Brad Pitt is good for a lot of things!!!