Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Honest Scrap

i got tagged by Derby. i haf to tell 10 honest fings about me.

Here goes:
1. I have more mousie toys than i can count
2. I haf a shoe fetish, i luf the smell of dem shoes.
3. sumtimes i turn into a tiger and put the bitey on mommie den she won't play wif me anymore.
4. I luf werkin on my furtan.
5. i luf to glom onto mommie when efur she sits on da sofa and fall asleep on top of her..
6. I luf Temptashuns, i cood eat them all day long if mommie let me!
7. I can ushully get more temptations by givin mommie "the look"
8. I luf to be combed or furminated
9. There are times I like to be left alone and not be a snuggle kittie
10. I love hot weather.


Anonymous said...

Well, Honey, you are an honest cat. It's true that no matter how much of a lap kitty one is, sometimes a cat doesn't want to be with people and must go off by herself for awhile.

Any cat who can get Temptations at will has her human well trained!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

I turn into a tiger a LOT. It's the stripes, I can't help it.

Just Ducky said...

Nice list, I learned a lot about you!

Boy n Beethoven said...

And I loves knowing so many things about you Honey!


Parker said...

It's good to be a lap kitty and love Temptations!

The Creek Cats said...

Having more mousies than you can count is such a good thing!

Daisy said...

Honey, I turn tiger sometimes, too. I just cannot resist giving the bitey sometimes.