Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thots on Thursday

sorree we haf not posted lately. mommies been werkin too hard again and she has bored, bored, bored. i ated sum catnip last nite and den rolled around like a snakey on da carpet. saturday nite fur her birfday celebration, mommie is going to eat swoo-she wif her friend the daddie of Trixie Marmalade. i really do not know wat swoo-she is, maybe its bean stinky goodness?


meemsnyc said...

Oooh catnip, that is awesome. You must had fun!

Parker said...

It is - it's stinky goodness for humans!

Everycat said...

You'd love swoo-she Honey P - it's made of feeesh! Happy Birthday to your Mom for Saturday!

Whicky Wuudler

Chance said...

I noes wat swoo-she iz!! Its fishies! Reel live dedded fishies! Mommie gavs me sum wunce an it waz wunnerfuls. Yoo shuld ask yur Mommie to bring yoo sum.

Purrrrssss & Lovey Paws


Daisy said...

I think swoo-she is something very fishy and delicious. I hope your mom has a happy birthday!

Shaggy and Scout said...

You might like swoo-she. We hope you got a chance to try some.
Seems like lots of the blogosphere beans are busy working and not paying enough attention to their cats.

Boy n Beethoven said...

Happy Purrthday to your Mommie! I think swoo-she is some passable type of bean stinky goodness. But wait till you twy sa-shee-mee! It's....heaven! I woves it!
