Friday, April 11, 2008


can't a gurl git some privacy?


Anonymous said...
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Daisy said...

I think the answer to your question is "No"! As long as there is a camera around, we girlcats will get no privacy. It is a very tough life we have.

Kat 3 said...


meemsnyc said...

Our mom does that all the time, taking pictures of us when we need a little privacy.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Yoo look like a pretzel! How'd yoo do dat?

Lux said...

Er ... obviously not. ;-)

Chrissie said...

Would you like to borrow my fig leaf, Honey P.?

Mr. Echo said...

Its like livvin ti da papparatzi!

Hi Honey, first time visitin your blog. I like it!!!