Honey: Mommie was sick today. she used up a whole box of tissues. she was laying on the sofa wif da blanket so i climbed up on her to keep her warm and we took a nappie.
Mommie: then i got up to go to the bathroom and Honey rolled herself up in my blanket and proceeded to nap while taken up half of the sofa so i couldn't lay back down.
It's da time of da season for icky colds. Tell yur mommie to get some good rest and keep drinkin lots of water. And - fanks for da nice musik. We listen to it at home. Mom can't get it at werk coz dey block it. Sometimes werk is no fun. Good fing we just to stay home an take care of owr Mommies.
Something is really travelling fast around the kitty blogosphere. Hope your mom feels better. And try to save some of the sofa for her. (Just until she feels better.)
It's da time of da season for icky colds. Tell yur mommie to get some good rest and keep drinkin lots of water. And - fanks for da nice musik. We listen to it at home. Mom can't get it at werk coz dey block it. Sometimes werk is no fun. Good fing we just to stay home an take care of owr Mommies.
Mom says that sofa or chair-stealing sounds quite familiar (I don't know what she's talking about).
Sending your Mommie get well quick wishes!
I think you were just keeping the blanket warm for your mom, right? I hope she feels better soon.
Scoot over Honey and share with Mommy!
Something is really travelling fast around the kitty blogosphere. Hope your mom feels better. And try to save some of the sofa for her. (Just until she feels better.)
I hope your mom feels better! Lots of people have been sick around here.
Also, in our house the rule is, "use it or lose it..." so if she wasn't using the sofa... well...
My mom's been sick too,Hope your mom's feeling better soon.
Honey, did you catch your Mommie's cold? Hope your Mommie gets well soon so she can get back to servicing your every need.
We hope your mom feels better soon. I think you deserve a nap in her spot after taking such good care of her!
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