The Original Pussycat Doll
Me first!!Hi Honey. Good counting. Me? I'm working on my listening skills.Nice music on your blog.
Honey P., you are a good counter!
I am furry impressed. You can count more than me. I must lern from your exampil
Nice job Honey!
Great counting, Honey P.! Purrs, Mr. Chen & Ollie
I can't count~I think you are doing wonderful job to count!!
I only count to three, after that I know I'm in trouble!
I can only count to tu, cuz that is how old I is. I am learning tho, that I am going to be free this Acember. Are you shure you spelled free right. Is it really tharee? I will have to ask Patches.Precious
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Me first!!
Hi Honey.
Good counting. Me? I'm working on my listening skills.
Nice music on your blog.
Honey P., you are a good counter!
I am furry impressed. You can count more than me. I must lern from your exampil
Nice job Honey!
Great counting, Honey P.!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
I can't count~
I think you are doing wonderful job to count!!
I only count to three, after that I know I'm in trouble!
I can only count to tu, cuz that is how old I is. I am learning tho, that I am going to be free this Acember. Are you shure you spelled free right. Is it really tharee? I will have to ask Patches.
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