Saturday, November 03, 2007

Ruff Week

It's been a ruff week agin. Good new is that miss peach pulled thru a ruff patch and is doing better. mommie wants her to eat and eat till she has a little pump belly on her. She's still not out of the woods totally but she has her mommie and her lapdaddy watching ofur her.

The sad, sad noos this week is that our friend Milo went to the bridge suddenly this week. he had been fighting a good fight against Immune-mediated Polyarthritis. He was only 4 years old. that's Milo below on the left and one of his brothers Reebok. we are furry saddened about Milo's passing and we are sending purrs to his furry large and loving family in San Jose.


mister jeter harris, hizself said...

honey p,
i hope dat reeb an hiz mom janet see how much u care fer dem an how sad u ar abowt milo.
reeb iz mi bes frend--an i diden't spend az much time wid milo ... but i'm verree sad fer da familee.

Daisy said...

I wish I could have known Milo before he had to go to the bridge. He seems like he was a very wonderful and brave boy.

Bogdan, the editor said...

Honey P.: Thank you for posting this. Milo was a good friend when I was just starting on Catster. I don't spend much time on Catster anymore, so I am glad you put this here on your blog. I am very sad about this.

Just Ducky said...

Goodness, 4 years old and gone to the bridge? I just turned four, so that is hard for me to think about.

Purrs to all.

The Cat Realm said...

I am so sorry to hear the sad news! We didn't know Milo but that doesn't really make it any better... I am sure Anastasia gave him a great welcome at the bridge! She was only 3 years old when she went to the bridge so they are both in the same age bracket and can play an play and play...
Lots of purrs