Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Werdless Wednesday


Anonymous said...

That looks very comfortable!

Daisy said...

What a great spot for looking out the window! And I see you have a pile of toys to play with too.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Wow, you have the perrrrrfect spot in the house...

Anonymous said...

Two kitties have posted wordless wednesdays with them in their cat trees. I really want one of them.

Anonymous said...

That's a nice setup. Comfortable looking, and a big open window right there in front of you. Your human is being very thoughtful.

Skeezix the Cat said...

My cat tree is by a window, too. But it's kinda high up. I'd love one like yers!!!!

Bogdan, the editor said...

where are the squirrels??

LZ said...

You work it girl! That tail is seriously fun looking!!! Mind if I bat at it?


Honey P. Sunshine said...

skeezix, the open part of my window is on the bottom part.

bogdan, the squirrelies are out there!

Kaze, i you touch my tail i might swat at you

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

What a neat way to view the bridies, Honey P!
Mr. Chen & Ollie