dese r sum fun fax about me:
1. What color is your collar?
I have a pink collar wif a together tag on it. it iz furry gurlie lukin.
2. What kind of food do you eat?
i eat my i yam kibble, original vishus lamb flavor or chick-hen wif begatables.
once a week i git a can ov stinky goodness, fancy feast, i really only like the
tuscan chick-hen wif wild rice and greens.
3. What are your favorite treats?
TEM-TAY-Shuns......chick-hen flavor
4. Do you have a Valentine or significant other?
Noooooooo..but I am available! but i have a fing fur tabby men, like angus and chase.
5. Do you get table scraps?
Noooooo....mommie eats funny stuff that i do not like
6. What is your favorite toy?
Q tips and ping pong balls
7. When is your birthday?
july 12, 2001
8. How many times a day do you eat?
The dry food stays down all the time..i nibble about five times a day but i do not eat too much, i yam a laydee and i need to watch my figure.
9. Do you have a favorite color?
i luf green, the color of my blankies.
I think we may be the same age!
My Peoples adopt me when I am 5, 3 years ago. The pet shop tells them that I am born in July 2001.
We have many years in front of us, I hope!
Paws 'n Claws,
Honey, I cannot believe you do not have a whole line of Mancat suitors!
We have dry food down all the time too. We like to graze.
Yoo are a furry interestin girl cat Honey. But we always knew dat. We finks we amember da fing yoo haf goin wif da q tips but ping pong balls? We needs to come ofur an haf a game wif dem.
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