Thursday Thirteen - Thirteen things about me
1. I started out my life at Happy Tails in Sacramento Ca. I was an orphan and a bottle baby.
2. My birthday is July 12, 2001 which is the same birthday of meowmies best friend of over 30 year, except for the 2001 part. This makes both of us cancers.
3. I am an only kitty. that's OK cause i get meowmie all to myself.
4. I only eat crunchies and temptayshuns. every once in a while i get some fancy feast but i don't really miss the stinky goodness. the reason i don't get stinky goodness, see #5
5. I got 5 teefs pulled 3 years ago. i get really stinky breath which came from a combination of all my teefs not developing correctly because i have calici virus, i was born with it, which is an upper respiratory disease. my teefs were loose in the gums and they were infected so out they came. so i eat crunchies to keep my teefs healthy. about once a year i get stinky breath and have to take icky liquid gunk for 10 days till it goes away but i get to wash down the icky gunk with.....temtayshuns. Other than the calici virus, i am a very healthy and happy girl.
6. I have lots and lots of toys. i like the spongie bouncie balls the best and q-tips. I can catch the q-tips in both my paws when meowmie throws them.
7. I don't like people food. Meowmie doesn't really know why but she thinks maybe my smeller isn't up to par because of the calici virus.
8. for skeezix: i have a microchip but not a fancy tag with a phone number on it.
9. my meowmie is totally devoted to me, she tells me that all the time. and she tells me i am the most beautiful kitten in the whole world.
10. I had a boyfriend named TC who lived across the way and he would come to the screen door and visit me all the time but he moved away.
11. I don't just purr, i trill
12. I am a totally indoor kitty.
13. when meowmie goes away i get visited by the Lady Ann and Lord Stan. they live downstairs and they are English. Lord Stan says he knows the Queen. Lady Ann knows where the temtayshuns are.