Saturday, February 26, 2011

More stinky fud, the doctor ordered.........

so dis week after i dided a newmie some blood came owt ov my tushie so mommie maded me go to see da v-e-t. da vet sed that i was straining to do a newmie and dat i shood get more water in my diet and dat i kin habs more wet fuds. do yoo hear dat furrends?? MORE WET FUDS!!!! so da mommie wented owt and bot all kinds of wet fuds fur me, me, me


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yayy for wet foods. We only get wet because I used to poop little hard bullets like rabbit poop. Now I do bigger bullets and Flynn does dog sized poops.

The Island Cats said...

We hope you like all those wet foods!!

Daisy said...

Hooray! Our holistic vet feels strongly that wet food is the way to go! (no pun intended)