Thursday, June 03, 2010


This is a kitty that lives down at the other end ov our building. mommie calls her whisper. whisper's mommie lets her out in da morning and den duz not come home and feed whisper. so when whisper gits hungry she comes up to our door. i sniffed her frew da door, she smells ok. i do not no why mommie calls her whisper cuz when whisper iz hungry, she yells "hey, i yam hungry, do yoo have any fudz fur me to eat!!!!"

so mommie asked me if it wood be ok if i shared my fuds with whisper. i sed it wuz ok, she can eat my left ofur stinky goodness and sum ov my crunchies, we have lots ov foods. mommie sed i yam a gud kitty cuz i shared my fudz. When whisper furst came to da door, she wunted to come in, but i sed NO!, dat was where i putted my paw down, dis iz my houze and my mommie.


Katnip Lounge said...

Poor Whisper! Honey, you are a very generous kitty to share your food. Maybe you might soften up on the sharing the Mommy issue...

Jans Funny Farm said...

Well, that's not very nice of her mom to not feed her. Good thing you and your mom do.

Anonymous said...

i do not blame you for laying down the law about coming inside - but it is verreh good and kind of you to share your foods like that. Whisper is a pretteh girl.

Parker said...

That's very nice of you Honey. Whisper looks like such a sweet kitty. She needs a much better Mommy.

Daisy said...

Honey, you are a very kind and Good cat to share your foods!