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Merry Catmouse and Hapee Hanaka to all my chewish furrends
well, da V-E-T called mommie as werks and sed dat all my tests were purrfect just like me. so now i got lekturd about mi eatin habits. mommie sez i habs to pig out. i did eat 2/3 ov my can of iam canned fuds today and a dozen or so tem-ta-shuns and i looked as tho i ated sum of my crunchies, i'll never tell. anyone out dere habs any suggestshun of fuds for a finicky eater?
So i bisited da V-E-T yesterday. she was not so concerned wif da bump on mine ear but was more concerned wif da fact dat i has losted 1 pound since february. dey took sum of my bluds and sum pee to run tests. i yam a furry picky eater. mommie has botted all kinds ov pensive wet fuds fur me to eat but i will only eat fancy feast and my lamb crunchies and oh yeah, tem-ta-shuns. i do not like people fuds at all. we will git the blud test results on monday.
mommie sez dat i hafs to go to the V-E-T this coming caturday becuz i hafs a bump growing on da edge ov my ear.from mommie: i found a cyst like bump on honey's right ear 2 nights ago. it's smaller that a bb and it is on the outer ear flap. i already talked to the mobile vet and she said that it probably has to come off, it could be cancerous.from Honey: DEY ARE GOING TO TAKE MY EAR OFF!!!from mommie: no baby, just the little bump has to come off.from Honey: ok, dey can do dat, as long as you let me sleep on da heatie when i git home.from mommie: it's a deal baby bear