I have been an iams kitty sinse i was a liddle baby kitten. it is all i eat and it is all i will eat. i luf the original vishus lambs and rice proactive health flavor and just to mix fings up a bit i will eat da iams healthy natural chick-hen becuz it has begetables and froots (wif no added fillers, artifishul colors, flavors or preservatives). mommie sez dat it keeps my furs all soft and shiny. mommie has tried to git me to eat ofur fuds but i will not becuz dey are not my iams. oh yeah, and just so mr. ceo knows, we like da 3.5 and 4 pound bags so dat my fuds do not go stale on us e-fur, since i am a selective eater, a gurl has to watch her figure yoo know.
(maybe i cood a least git me a cool iams scarf)